ways to make a blog article on the First Page of Google

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Make sure that you know how to create a blog and enhance your appearance, then learn how to order Websites Appear On The First Page of Google / Rank 1 in various search mensin. This is very important given the highest traffic a blog is generally obtained because the position can be occupied the first page on google. Why is that? This is because almost all Internet users have always relied on these search engines to find any articles from around the web. In the blogging world is also known by the term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which if interpreted in Indonesian is search engine optimization. The point here we do everything on our internal and external website to be easily indexed and ranked the best, both in terms of domains, articles, templates, and also backlinknya. All these parts must be understood one by one technique to be easily realized.

SEO or website to the first page Google Ranking first is not really difficult, just takes perseverance and hard work. In addition, consistently perform the technique on a daily basis is an important requirement to be successful, it is because you are competing with millions of bloggers who have the same goals, so that one day you stop doing optimization then certainly you will lose competitiveness. It is recommended at least once a day to update on your blog, especially the article and the link or links that lead to sites that we manage.

Step How To Make A Website Login Page / rank first on Google There are four points that must be optimized so that our blog can be a champion, the themes and domains, templates, articles and links. Each of these need treatment itself gradually to be maximized and it starts when you first build a site which we will develop, starting from choosing the theme and the name has been obliged to consider what is the most appropriate or in accordance with the rules of SEO of the Master, the following explanation:

1. Theme and Domain Everyone shall determine what theme will focus on the website every time you want to start making, is due to focus on one keyword is much better than to bring up the blog with keywords diverse because it is definitely going to compete with the only dwell on keywords that's it. Therefore, make sure you know how to use Google Adwodrs Keyword Planner which is its function as a tool to analyze what keywords are searched on Google each month, because there is no means to create a website enter the first page on google if it turns out the themes discussed nothing seek or need. Strongly recommended find the quest at least 5000 times in a month. Choosing Domain - Having decided upon the theme of the blog that fits, and try the next record when creating a website address or domain to be purchased any semblance of a theme or at least do not include the word of the theme. The point is this, say the theme is about "how to create a blog ', nah try later on a domain is the word or some of them, for example panduanmembuatblog.com and others. This function is so easy to read google relevancy between the domain and the discussion in your website which would impact on its position in the search engines. And since this theme takes a detailed explanation, for it Caraspot review it on the following page: Tips and Advice A Good Domain Names and SEO Friendly.

.com - About How to Buy .com domain that we have discussed, though not a major factor in your blog or website on the first page of Google but it may give little effect, especially now that many of the issues that arise among bloggers that TLD (Top Level domain) affect the position of divulging blog articles in the search. In addition, the trust blog visitors will be higher than using the free ones are now a lot of encounter that provide tutorials that are not qualified.

2. Template This section has been entered on the layout and look of the website that we wake up, but make no mistake that this is also the most important part that must be taken to ensure that our website is ranking 1st in google, especially looks simple and has a loading speed of no more than 5 seconds each time to access, but for more details need to be explained one by one: As is generally the default template or theme unattractive and SEO Friendly then ever read this: How to Replace a Blog template. Edit Script his script here is the code that runs the template and from here Google to read the content of your blog, the according to the way it works it will be more easily readable. Here are some that should be so setup: Ensure that comes with the Title Tag. For blog wordpress plugin usually stay put like SEO by Yoast, but for blogspot users can directly apply the settings by going to the Dashboard >> Settings >> Basic >> and set its title. Further, in After >> Search Preferences >> Description Enable (simply enable and clear the course because of the above is set description). Meta description should not be not covered by the template. Once again, to please use Yoast WordPress, but for those who wear blogger then simply make arrangements light on the dashboard and when writing the article. How, go to Dashboard >> Settings >> Basic >> and then set his description.

3. There are good arrangements heading structures, ranging from H1, H2, H3, H4, and so on. If in blogspot try in the article title and in the back-Bold and select Heading 2 on the toolbar at the top (click the little arrow near the posts danda 'Paragraph "). and if there are subtitles Heading further then use again later, namely Heading 3 and so on.

4. Not to be forgotten, there must be a feature "Related Articles" or "Related Posts" at the bottom of each article selected for this function to reduce Bounce Rate (the percentage of people who leave our blog so had read one article, without reading another article). If you do not want to bother preferably before decided to use a template then choose which is already equipped 'weapon' because otherwise will affect traffic, because Google is not happy with the web is the number of bounce rate is too high, and generally will be punished in the form of a decrease in SERP (Search Engine Rank Page).

5. There is a system of "breadcrumbs" in it to make it easier to identify structures within the Google blog, you can see at the top of the article title when opening a blog article and will appear like this: >> Home >> Blogging How to create a blog.

b. Other supporting factors Graphics - Template great blog and could affect its position in google is minimal use of images in it. It will not affect the ranking of articles in the search engines, but will indirectly have an impact on the number of visitors, because if they have to wait a long time to read only one article alone caused loadingnya slow then surely the visitor will prefer to shut it down and move on to the website other. The thing to note here is the background image of the template, it is recommended you should use a color code only.

Widget - Most bloggers beginners who also want the blog to appear in the first page of Google is not concerned about the use of widgets, most of them original pair although not important, but the effect will result in loading the blog also slowed, but it is not necessarily all that we use will be used people, for example, date widgets, animations, and more. If you want to emulate the Master, they generally just use the widget and Latest and Most Popular Articles Box Like social media to add to their readers, otherwise they avoid because it is not good for SEO.

3. Backlink backlink meaning here is the link or links from other websites that lead to the main page or your blog articles. For the moment is not the amount that counts but the quality of those links, and is best-containing anchor text or keyword that matches the theme of the blog, for example, the theme is a question of 'how to make all things' as done CaraSpot this, then at least the backlinknya include one of the words so you can easily get from google ranking points. And for this suggestion we strongly recommend to create a dummy blog that continues optimized every day. In addition you also have to learn some provisions in a secure way to find backlinks in order to avoid penalty google because the effect could be very bad.

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